
Behind every great leader, you will find an indispensable circle of mentors.

Trainers with Vision

Our Trainers

Our faculty members possess twin attributes:
1. IIT/ IIM/ Ivy-league alumni.
2. Diversified industry experience.

Dr Mukesh Pandey, Advisor

Expert: Strategic Leadership & Marketing

Dr Pandey is a Fulbright Fellow from Michigan State University, an MBA from IIM Calcutta….

Prof Vivek Kumar

Expert: Project & Supply Chain

Prof Vivek Kumar is a B.E. (Electrical Engineering) from IIT, Roorkee and an MBA….

Dr Sreenivas Rao
(Hon. Visiting Faculty)

Expert: Project & System Engineering

Dr Y Sreenivas Rao, Director-General (Naval Systems & Materials), superannuated from DRDO….

Prof A K Puri

Expert: Finance & Strategy

Prof Puri holds a Ph.D. & MBA from FMS, Delhi. He is also a Certified Associate of Indian….

Prof Himanshu Garg

Expert: Sales, Distribution & e-Marketing

Prof Himanshu Garg is an MBA from IIM-Calcutta and a B.Tech. from IET, Lucknow….

Prof Vinay Kansal

Expert: B2B Sales & Distribution

Prof Vinay Kansal is a B.Tech + Management professional having 3 deca…..

Mr Vikas Goyal

Expert: Technology Management

Vikas is a management professional having 3 decades of experience across 3 diffe…..

Mr Saurabh Bhatnagar

Expert: Branding & Communication

Mr Bhatnagar, an alumnus of MICA, is the Director of National Advertising Age…..

Prof Sachin Sinha

Expert: Branding & Consumer Behaviour​

Prof Sinha has taught at various business schools across India….

Major Avinash Belwal (Retd)​

Expert: Geopolitics & HR

Major Belwal (Retd) is a BTech in (E&C) and an MBA (HR) from NMIMS, Mumbai…

Director, PRISHA​

Director, PRISHA​

Ms Richa Mishra is the Director of PRISHA. She is a B.Tech. in Civil Engineering &…..

Mr. Paritosh Pandey​

Research Associate (Information Technology)

Paritosh is a BTech in Computer Science & Engineering from VIT, Vellore, an…..

Mr Kamal Kothari

Expert: Taxation Services

Mr Kothari is a seasoned ‘Taxation lawyer’ . For 3 decades, he has been advising…